Being Angry is Killing Your Relationship ?
person with a lot of pent up anger might exhibit some of the following
• Personal
relationships at risk due to uncontrolled aggression
• Having problems with career development, or putting his career
on the line
• Having health problems linked to a “Personality A”
• Dealing with legal problems as a consequence of angry
Perhaps you can spot the angry person by looking at the extreme unhappiness
of all or some of the people related to him, like when co-workers
decide to leave him alone, because it’s difficult to deal with
his angry reactions to peers in his work team.
Read the following unsolicited testimony about how Jake and Louis
overcome their anger problems:
Do you have a lot of pent up anger? Do people you know accuse you of being “too fast reacting against others”? |
you ever felt an uncontrollable urge to lash out in a fit of fury at somebody
doing things in a stupid way? |
you a person who "sees red" when things don't go your way? |
Have you ever been told you need to go to anger management training by your exasperated co-workers or managers or friends? |
Are other people rejecting you in a practical way, or blocking and isolating you from themselves, making you progressively lonely, depressed and hopeless? |
Then, You Are Feeling More And More Out Of Control, right?
are many more pressures in the world upon us now. How many sources
of pressure can you identify? How can you deal with them without getting
angry? Due to accelerating factors such as strong economic pressure
and financial hardships, jobs becoming more scarce and in short a
more competitive environment, we find ourselves feeling more and more
unable to control our lives.
More aspects of our existence are decided by others, or by factors out of our control, and we are supposed to be responsible even for areas of our lives which are not by far controlled by us!
Truly we face lots of challenges: from daily nuisances such as clogged roads, delays and bad service, inattention and lack of fulfillment of our orders, to an increasing sense of general disorder.
To be really honest, today we can’t even control our jobs, our income or the safety and growth of our life savings, because global crises are dictating the results that we get according to variables we are now totally impotent to manage…
We men still think
than being angry allows us to be seen as more powerful than showing
concern, depression or being out of control. Even when showing anger
takes a heavier toll in our circulatory system than being depressed….we
prefer to show rightful indignation at things “done in the wrong
way,” so we keep for ourselves the upper position of Control
and Supervision Expert!
You could even convince yourself that you are rightfully furious...meanwhile all the time you are destroying the core of your support system: your family and your deeper relationships.
All This Leads To Us Getting More & More Frustrated Every Day... And when you combine those "out of control" actual feelings with those “pent up anger” feelings coming from your own past, and release them, then you get an explosive mix known as "anger attacks."
"It's Time To Stop Letting Your Frustration Get The Best Of You"
If you
are in a situation similar to Jake’s case, yelling at his wife
Cara for every stupid thing, now you should be able to say:
"My Wife No Longer Worries About Telling Me Her Concerns, because now she knows I will listen to her, instead of accusing and yelling at her. She Knows I'm In Control of my Anger."
Are you ready to be in a different, more satisfactory place in life, having control of negative emotions and being able to express your love? Is this your time to face the anger problem and transform it?
There is a lot of creative energy now being misused through the creation and displaying of anger attacks against your loved ones…Perhaps now you can begin controlling rage, and put that energy to good use, building a more harmonious and joyous life for everybody involved.
But first, you need to accept the fact that your anger attacks are producing the unwanted effect of alienating you from your loved ones! Nobody else but you is responsible for controlling the anger explosions that litter your emotional landscape.
you at the point to tell yourself, deep from your heart;
I want to be the person that my family can love, trust and respect,
not this feared and rejected one!”
this what you really, really want? Even in the worst moments
of having this dark cloud of fear, sadness and loneliness extending
over your family after a show of anger, do you still feel deep
inside this desperate need to be loved, accepted and respected?
Can you hear this strong wish to recover the trust and respect of your loved ones? Do you want to become the quality person you were always meant to be, without the anger?
If only
to see this dream dissipating under the despair of a new domestic
fight, you still know that this hope of being able of controlling
your rage is always there, deep inside you? THEN,
there is hope for you!
Pent Up Frustration & Actual Anger Can Both Destroy You and Your Relationship!
stumbled across your website and confess it has been a great blessing
to me for the last two days. After reading through your well-written
and straight-to-the-point articles, I feel I am starting to find some
meaning in my life again. Much of what you say requires that I honestly
examine myself, and that is exactly what I am doing now. I liked the
part where you don't lay a lot of guilt on me...I have enough of it
already. Be blessed. " |
This Is What You Need To Know:
You can win the battle for control with your wife, but lose the war! You can get others to obey you, but never force them to love and accept you!
you convinced that the path to better health and relationships is
through giving up the benefits of being the too assertive top male?
And that it includes forgetting the extra benefits of commanding your
family's behaviors through aggression?
Of course, this begs the question…in what other ways can you be a good leader of your family, and how do you learn to become a compassionate leader?
How can
you be a calm, understanding and loving leader? By learning how to
control your anger, together with developing a plan for improving
your relational skills, with the techniques offered in:
“The Tao of Anger: Controlling your Anger Explosions!”
This ebook is prepared with a definite purpose, to help transform your anger reactions and build a more positive, supportive attitude.
a Small Sample of What You'll Learn:
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Identify the early symptoms of an anger attack, so you can either leave the room, the situation or make other decisions to control yourself; |
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Recognize the impact of your hostile thoughts and learn that you are framing what happens as an attack at you that needs defense; |
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There are two emotions that you are probably holding onto that make it very difficult for your spouse (and others) to be around you happily. You'll learn how to stop being a slave to your emotions; |
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Learn how to avoid escalating a simple dispute to a full blown anger attack, and offer reasonable responses to your significant other; |
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Re-create on purpose some fundamental positive perception of your significant other as worthy of your respect; |
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The one behavior that you absolutely HAVE to exhibit if you are serious about rescuing your marriage from the consequences of your anger attacks and getting your partner to love you again; |
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Learn how to face emotional rejection and isolation by your partner, know what to do; |
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Learn why you need to do repair work by asking for forgiveness and reconciliation; |
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Be ready to demonstrate that you want to transform the relationship by accepting a new covenant with healthier rules of interaction; |
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A simple but powerful breathing technique that will help you to put your mind in a place of self-control and relaxation. Coming from this position will make it a LOT easier to control the negative thinking that leads to angry attacks; |
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Learn why you need to do “repair work” by asking for forgiveness and reconciliation; |
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Eliminate all possibility of your partner “pushing your buttons” and starting a situation which can lead to anger attacks, and take complete control of your emotional and internal states… no matter what the situation; |
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Do you ever feel like the only way to resolve a conflict is by slamming the door and walking away? Or by punishing your partner? It doesn't have to be this way. Find out a simple strategy for resolving your marriage conflicts in a more constructive and less emotionally stressful way; |
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What to do if you're a person who always gets frustrated at your partner's actions during an argument. Get to understand the emotional reasons prompting your partner to exhibit seemingly “irrational” behavior, from her own point of view; |
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How frustrated needs lead to anger and anger leads to all kinds of physical damage and raises your heart attack risk. You need to know about solving your needs promptly and better managing frustration; |
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You're probably overlooking it - the way frustration becomes anger in you almost immediately. Learn to watch yourself and identify frustration early on; |
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If you really believe now that you can’t stop fighting with your partner, because "she makes you so angry," then you will need more help right now! Are you ready to own your share of responsibility in marital disputes and stop blaming the other person? |
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Learn useful techniques to manage your anger, if you recognize that venting it to anybody is causing damage to your love life, work and relationships, but still can't stop exploding? |
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How to calm down in times of anger when you get yourself all worked up. Recognizing that being angry is the worst way of asking for company, love and recognition will make you stop; |
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the three steps of anger escalation and the real threshold where
you lose your self-control. |
Once you learn all of the above, I promise you, you'll notice dramatic transformations in your marriage and partner's reactions immediately! Best of all, you'll understand why your anger explosions happen and be able to take practical, immediately-beneficial steps to minimize or eliminate them entirely. Why leave it to chance?
And You'll Also Discover Powerful Insights Such as...
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Did you know that you are an expert at denial? Stop denying that you are an angry man, and begin working on your own pent up feelings before they explode! |
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Want to know how to stop your anger from flaring up? Identify the anger cues, the ways your body is telling you that pent up emotions are escalating, and solve them then and there! |
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Discover the levels of anger using the "Anger Meter," so you can stop denial and begin looking at your reality; |
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Learn the specifics about the differences between being angry and being aggressive towards others, and between suppressing and managing your anger. |
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Do you know how many techniques there are to manage your anger? Create your own anger management plan. |
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Understand how and why power, control and anger attacks are so destructive to your relationship. Have a strategy to conduct damage control immediately, so you can begin to repair your relationship fast! |
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Is your marriage worthy of hard “repair work”? How to provide a good apology; |
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Discover the techniques to perform repair work in a relationship...and use them to strengthen your link with your spouse; |
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Find out how to apply Fair Fighting techniques to manage differences without fighting; |
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What turns a relationship unhealthy? Learn how to deal with it and turn it back around: how to have and care for a healthy marriage? |
IF, and only if you are you ready to make a break with your angry
past, and develop new leadership qualities… Here is a helpful
tool in your way to happiness in relationships… “The
Tao of Anger: Controlling your Anger Explosions!...
A personal note from Neil Warner: Welcome!
It’s very difficult to accept that the situation has gotten into this low level of trust and intimacy, but there is no use for denial here…things are very bad with your spouse now. And why is this? Because you’d never planned to end up being the bad person, the hated villain of the movie, right? You are a typical guy, with a notion that he has his right to a temper tantrum here and there, when the situation needs some fast relief of stress, but you meant no damage, it was only venting, right? How could it be seen as intentional damage, with you ending up being seen as a rude, inconsiderate and mean guy who only wants to control?…
Even when some bridge-building needs to be done, to repair past damage in your personal relationships, you can find how to apologize easily to your loved ones right here….
of a sudden, people (even complete strangers) are going
to find you very easy and attractive to be around. And do you know what the really funny thing is? When you perform your anger management techniques, all your "pent up negative feelings" against lots of people who have irritated you in the past, now are gone….People are people and you will not be stuck doing mental battles with them rehearsing real or imaginary offenses. I've seen it happen many times. You will not care again for other people’s negative reactions against you, because there will be none! When you are looking at past enemies with a positive attitude, you will discover that they will show respect and appreciation to you! I'm encouraged by your decision to change and grow in the improvement of your relationship.... Congratulations
for facing this personal challenge and for looking for the way
to transform your anger into love and appreciation! Neil Warner, Writer and Editor Creative Conflict Resolutions |
This ebook is extremely easy to read and implement, even though it covers every important aspect of curbing your anger. Want a peak at the table of contents?
Start Improving Your Relationships in Less than Five Minutes!
“The Tao of Anger: Controlling your Anger Explosions!...” is available to you RIGHT NOW. In less than five minutes you could be learning priceless secrets to control your anger, repair your relationships and be on your way to a happier, healthier love life.
Reconnecting with your loved one has never been easier!
Why should you purchase this e-book today? Because you can see ALL the benefits of getting this e-book:
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• Two-months, 100% money-back guarantee.
Order today, Friday, October 24th and receive THREE exclusive gifts,
yours to keep, even if you decide to return the e-book.
Bonus #1: |
Because you have a strong interest in solving your anger issues BY buying this powerful book, I want to provide even more: Coach Nora's PERSONAL HELP! She will answer your personal, direct questions. You will be able to email or call her and ask specifically what you need help with. But act now, because healing your relationship from anger damages is urgent”! |
Bonus #2: 'The Healthy Marriage Ebook,' a $ 37.00 Value. | |
"How Healthy is your Marriage"? Life is an adventure that implies our own search for our life meaning…finding who we are and what do we need to accomplish in this life term.
Then, have a contract with our loved one to share with him/her our personal project and set goals to be pursued…Get a look of your own marriage contract and see how it can be more focused on both parties’ growth. |
Bonus #4: Boosting Your Self-Esteem', a $ 27.00 Value. |
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"Boosting Your Self-Esteem" by Neil Warner. This ebook was created to help you gradually build self-esteem, so you will :
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That's right! Take your time to use and examine my crucial information, and techniques. That's 60 days to put these valuable strategies to work on your Relationship. Try the techniques yourself. Try as many of the tips as you can. Once you have used these strategies on your own anger management plan, I'm confident that you'll NEVER want to send it back! But, if you aren't satisfied for any reason, or it doesn't live up to your expectations, just send me an email and your payment will be refunded. Right up to the final day of this 60 days guarantee. No questions, No hassle |
"“The Tao of Anger: Controlling your Anger Explosions!...”"
is available via instant download.
Note: If you order online, by Wednesday the 18th
it's yours risk-free for only US $67.00, $47.00
Start Right Now!
You'll receive a very useful manual on how to control your anger, stop giving emotional abuse to others by your anger attacks, rescue your relationships and get back on track towards having the relationship and life of your dreams. No need to spend more time being the person people reject and fear. Just follow the instructions and start getting results with your emotional responses immediately. And with the instant money-back guarantee provided, there is literally NO RISK for you.
Start your building your new and respectful relationship today! Yes, get immediate access even at 2:00 A.M.
Neil Warner
Creative Conflict Resolutions
3415 Galt OCean Drive
Fort Lauderdale
33308 Florida
Phone: +1 (954) 607-2083
PS: HERE ARE YOU, STILL THINKING…Do I have to remind you of all the pain and misery you have been through before? This is the best solution to end the shame and rejection you get now! For only $67, you can have in your hands the solution. Buy the book now, read it, highlight the aspects that talk directly to your situation, write down a couple of personal questions, and send them to Coach Nora…You will have your personal coach telling you exactly how to restore your balance and peace in a very short time! Isn’t this the change and personal support you have been dreaming of?
PPS: And, remember that if you decide that this is not exactly what you need now, you can always return it, get your money back and lose nothing….isn’t this the right opportunity to do something that will change your life for good? Imagine yourself in your new relationship, secure of yourself, feeling very appreciated by who you are. No more emotional abuse for you! …It's sure beats feeling miserable, despised and rejected by your partner, right? PLEASE, GET THE BOOK NOW, it is a very low price for the peace of mind it will provide you, so you can be in your way to be the stable, attentive and connected person you want to be in your life!
ebook was an eye-opener. I enjoyed how the issue was presented,
clearly and in a very organized way. It gave me insights on
where to begin and continue. It also was easy for me to see
the steps which will not be easy to do, especially when you
have to look at yourself. But the rewards are worth it! Thank
you for listening to me in my coaching session and giving me
very good personal advice" "Dear
Neil, I have now a good marriage, but everything you said reminds
me of my first marriage. I still think about how much he needed this
kind of help, then and there....I miss the love we had, totally ruined
by his anger, and I was so young then, unable to know how to
I left him. Things could have been so different, but now is water
under the bridge!" "Hi Neil, Yes, I've learned a lot from your ebook, even when I ordered it for my brother. He needs this help very much, but is still in his denial phase and blaming his poor wife of "provoking him," every time he has a temper tantrum, even now in his '40s! I am thinking on how to convey to him some of your ideas before his wife leaves him, which will be a disaster, because we all love her and the kids so much. Wish me luck in my project of sharing your ideas with my brother!"
the most silly detail can start him off in some rant about
how bad things are or how useless I am, or whatever allows
him to rant and rave and insult and curse. Dinner
gets spoiled, and we end up in this very bad mood; I get
more and more depressed and scared and conversation is
impossible. It’s a vicious cycle, as much as I try
to calm him down, the more he gets excited and finds things
to criticize. He ends up yelling and slamming doors or
throwing something against the wall. I think he somehow loves me and the children, but it is getting more difficult to see the love under the rage. I keep hoping that he will be in a better mood, while knowing that as much as I wait for his anger to dissipate, he seems to hate me more for that….I know that he is ashamed of his behavior, but this is not enough to make me forgive him; because whatever I can do to please him, he will go on having his anger attacks. Whatever I can do might not matter, because nothing really changes. If I can’t stop being the target of his anger, I have to decide how to end this marriage and heal myself.....I'm hoping that your help will be enough to start him up in the recovery process.
E-mail: neil (at)